Hey Everyone 👋👋
In this article, we will understand some really basic modulo operations and applications for the same.
Now, Modulo in mathematics is a simple operation that returns the remainder when one integer is divided by another, simple isn't it, Smarty-pants!
Essentially we can sum it up like this probably :
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder
Example :
--> 15 = 2 x 7 + 1
--> 15 mod 2 = 1
Here 1 is the remainder of 15 when divided by 2
Also, the modulo operator in most of the programming languages is denoted by %
15 % 2 = 1
Addition with modulo is quite simple :
// Addition
(a + b) % mod = ((a % mod) + (b % mod)) % mod
Eg :
(15 + 3) % 10 = 18 % 10 = 8
Expanding the brackets :
(15 + 3) % 10
= ((15 % 10) + (3 %10)) % 10
= (5 + 3) % 10
= 8 % 10 = 8
❌ Multiplication
Multiplication with modulo is the same as addition
// Multiplication
(a x b) % mod = ((a % mod ) x (b % mod)) % mod
Eg :
(4 x 12) % 10
= (48) % 10
= 8
Expanding the brackets
(4 x 12) % 10
= ((4 % 10) x (12 % 10)) % 10
= (4 x 2) % 10
= 8 % 10
= 8
➖ Subtraction
Subtraction with modulo is a bit tricky You can't do subtraction with the mod operator as you do it with addition and multiplication. Subtraction is a bit strange.
// Subtraction
(a - b) % mod = ((a % mod ) - (b % mod) + mod) % mod
Eg :
(11 - 3) % 10 = 8
Expanding the brackets :
= ((11 % 10) - (3 % 10) + 10) % 10
= (1 -3 + 10 ) %10
= 8 % 10 = 8
Now if try to program it, we don't have to add mod every single time. We can do this :
// We can do this
int ans = ((x - y) % mod);
if(ans< 0) // if x < y then add mod
// or
int ans = ((x - y) % mod + mod)%mod; // Slower than above
The division under mod operator is not the same as addition and is very different.
(a / b) % mod may NOT be same as ((a % mod)/(b % mod)) % mod
Now, Modular division does not always exist. We can only do modular division if the is modular inverse of the divisor exists.
Modular Multiplicative inverse of two numbers exists only and only if
of those two numbers is equal to 1 that they are relatively prime.Two integers are relatively prime when there are no common factors other than 1.
So to sum this up :
a / b = a x 1/b
(a / b) % mod = (a x (inverse of b if exists)) % mod
Here is the program for the same :
using namespace std;
#define mod 23
int bin_expo(int a, int b){
int ans = 1;
while (b>0){
if (b & 1) // if b is odd
ans = (ans *a) % mod;
a = (a *a) % mod ;
b = b / 2;
return ans;
int modInverse(int a){ // inverse by fermats theorem
int g = __gcd(a, mod);
if (g != 1)
return -1;
// If a and m are relatively prime, then modulo
// inverse is a^(m-2) mode m
return bin_expo(a,mod-2);
int modDivide(int a, int b){
a = a % mod;
int inv = modInverse(b);
if (inv == -1)
return (-1);
return (inv * a) % mod;
signed main(){
int a = 8, b = 3;
int ans = modDivide(a, b);
return cout<<ans<<endl,0;
🎯 Final Thoughts
Modulus is crucial and a necessary operator in competitive programming. If you know this it can help you with multiple questions.
Here is a good question if you want to get a hang of it.
Also, do watch this explaination from Errichto, this is where I learned it from.
Congrats🎉🎉 on making it to the end of the article! Have a good day! Stay tuned for such content! 👋✌️