Depth-First Search - Graph Traversal Algorithm

Depth-First Search - Graph Traversal Algorithm

Hey Everyone👋👋

Graphs are really an important part of our though we may not be aware of them. There are n number applications of Graph as we can visualise any data in a graph format.

Eg :

  1. LinkedIn Connections (Social Graph)
  2. Navigation Systems
  3. Recommendation Systems and much more...

In this blog, we will see how depth-first search works. Now the depth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm meaning it is an algorithm to go through the graph and do processing as and when required.

Now without any further statements, let's dive in...


🌟Let's get Started

Let us first understand what a graph is and what does looks like?

A graph is a non-linear data structure consisting of Vertices and Edges. Woosh! This is a very formal definition 🥵.

In simple terms, a graph is a set of some variables which we call vertices here and some relationships which call as edges. Here is what it looks like :


Here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are nodes and connections between them are called edges. Enough of the Graph explanation, let us look at DFS now. 🤚

📉 Depth First Search - DFS

As I mentioned earlier DFS is a graph traversal algorithm meaning that it helps us go through graphs. There is also another graph traversal algorithm known as Breadth-First Search (BFS). The goal of both algorithms is the same but the methods to do that are different.

Let us take a look at the working of DFS :

Step 1: Start with any node 'N'
Step 2: Mark 'N' as Visited
Step 3: Explore all the Nodes connected to 'N'
Step 4: While Exploring any node mark the specific node as Visited 
Step 5: If a node is visited already do not explore it again
Step 6: Stop when all the nodes are visited

Sounds easy, does it ?

It might not but it is way too easy, you'll have a clear understanding of it once we go through an example.

Let us take the Graph mentioned above :   

     2  ---- 4  
  /  |          
1    |          
  \  |          
     3  ---- 5  

1. We can start with any node, let us say we start with 2
2. After visiting 2, first explore all nodes which are connected to node 2
3. As node 1 is not explored go to node 1 (you can also go to node 3 or 5)
4. Now first explore all nodes connected to node 1
5. As node 3 is not explored goto node 3
6. Now explore all nodes connected to node 3
7. Here we can choose 2 or 5, but as 2 is already visited we will choose 5
8. As node 5 is a leaf node, we now go back to exploring node 1 
9. Here we visited nodes 2 and 3 already, so we go back to node 2
10. Atlast at node 2 we are left with node 4 as nodes 1 & 3 are explored

So in this way, we have visited and explored the whole graph --> 2,1,3,5,4

The reason we mark nodes as "visited" is that , in the graph there are cycles due to which we might end up in an endless loop of visiting them, so once we visit a node, in order to avoid revisiting it again we mark it as visited.

⌛Time Complexity Analysis


If we say that the graph has 'v' number of nodes and 'e' number of Edges. Then the time complexity of DFS is in Order of \(v+e\) that is it can be represented in the form :

$$ O( v + e ) $$

The space complexity of the algorithm is \(O(v)\).



In this code below, the adjlist is an adjacency list. Now an adjacency list is a representation of a graph in which each node has a list of nodes that are adjacent to it that is the nodes that are connected to it.

Here is a recursive approach that builds a stack due to recursion.

using namespace std;

unordered_map<int,bool> visited;
unordered_map<int,vector<int>> adjlist;

void dfs(int node){
  visited[node] = true; // Mark the node visited
  cout << node << " ";  // Print the node
   // loop through adjacent nodes
  for (int i=0 ; i < adjlist[node].size() ; i++) { 
    if( visited[ adjlist[node][i] ] == false ) 
          dfs(adjlist[node][i]);  // explore the node if not visited

int main(){ 
  vector<pair<int,int>> relationships = {
     // build Adjacency list
    for(auto x : relationships){

   return 0;
Output : 
2 1 3 5 4

You can play with it here.

Here is another approach explicitly using stack. This is indeed a good application of stack .

Psuedo Code for stack approach :

1. Select a start node
2. Push the node to stack
3. do steps 4 and 5 until the stack is not empty
4. Pop a value from stack say 'N'
5. If node 'N' is not visited do steps 6 and 7 else goto step 4 again
6. Mark 'N' as Visited
7. do step 8 for all adjacent nodes to 'N'
8. Push adjacent node 'x' if x is not visited.
9. End when stack is empty

Code with Stack in action

using namespace std;

unordered_map<int,bool> visited;
unordered_map<int,vector<int>> adjlist;

void dfs(int node){
    stack<int> s;
    s.push(node); // push source node
    while(!s.empty()){ // loop until stack is empty
        int n =; // get top element
        s.pop(); // pop from stack 
            visited[n] = true; // mark visited;
            cout<<n<<" ";
            // loop through adjacent nodes
            for (int i=0 ; i < adjlist[n].size() ; i++) {
                if( visited[ adjlist[n][i] ] == false ) 
                    s.push(adjlist[n][i]); // push to stack if not visited

int main(){

  vector<pair<int,int>> relationships = {

    for(auto x : relationships){

   return 0;
Output :
2 4 3 5 1

You can play with code here.

Note that you can start with any node in DFS.

🎯Final Thoughts

Amazing! Congrats on making it to the end of the article!

DFS is a great way to enter into the graphs world. Do try to implement the code on your own, you will get a much better understanding by doing that.

Here is a good question if you want to get a hang of it.

Thanks for reading the article. I hope you liked it. ✌️✌️ Give me a follow if you liked it and do comment! I am open to discussion.🎉🎉

Cheers! 🥂 CheersPartyGIF.gif