JPMC Placement Experience through Code for Good (CFG) - 2021


6 min read

JPMC Placement Experience through Code for Good (CFG) - 2021

Hey Everyone πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

JPMC Conducts hiring events throughout India which are not that trivial and are some what different. I am glad to share this experience with you all as I personally found it amazing and quite robust.😁

At the time of writing this, I am pursuing my Bachelor's, I had a chance to sit for the on campus 2022 Software Engineer Full-Time Analyst Program. Now as for me due to COVID19 pandemic the process was completely virtual.


Eligibility criteria πŸ”΄

  • No current backlogs, Graduation in first attempt

  • Education Gap – Not more than 1 year

  • Minimum of 7 CGPA

Placement Process πŸ“œ

Let’s dive straight into the process step by step :

  • Coding Round

  • Video Interview Round

  • Code For Good Hackathon

Coding Round


JPMC uses HackerRank for conducting this particular round.

The round has 2 coding questions and 75 mins are allotted to you.

I managed to pass all the testcases of both the problems in 40 - 45 mins. Anyone who had practiced questions on Codeforces, CodeChef, LeetCode etc would have done that.

One question was based on strings and another was on array.

I would recommend to practice and get yourself comfortable with easy and medium questions on LeetCode, that should be more than enough for you to clear this round.

The questions were similar to these

Video Interview Round


Hirevue is a online platform to conduct pre-recorded interviews.

Now this round is basically to check the communication skills, language, confidence etc. You get a chance before the interview to test webcam, mic .

The round is pretty simple as the questions are normal HR questions and can be answered with some preparation. I would recommend you to prepare a small pitch for general HR questions.

Here are the questions which I encountered

  • What are your career goals ?

  • Can you describe a recent experience which you thought of as a real learning experience ?

After these two rounds a mail for shortlisted candidates was sent.

Tip : Don't wait for the result even if you have are confident that you have aced both the rounds, prepare for the rest of the placements.

Code For Good


Code For Good is a hackathon conducted by JP Morgan Chase and its employees. The hackathon aimed to build technology based solutions for the non-profits. The hackathon is a 4 day ( 16 June to 20 June ) event in which their were multiple workshops, fun events and team meets.

Every shortlisted individual was a allotted team number with other 5 - 6 team members from different regions and different colleges.The list of teams were sent to us 2 days before that is on 15th of June. The very next minute I started finding them on LinkedIn, Github and social media platforms.πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

We also had our github repositories with us by the evening , in which we were added as collaborators.On 16th we had a meeting amongst ourselves so as to discuss the techstack and be well prepared before hand in a generic manner.

As not all were familiar with the same techstack ,we had some time to get familiar with it. Till now I had understood that my team was total web dev, so any problem requiring Mobile app was out of context already. 😝

Lets Begin.....

First Day 1️⃣

The organizers conducted workshops on 17th :

  • Hackathon Survival Guide

  • Git and Github

I would recommend to be prepared with Git and Github beforehand as it's really necessary when you want to work collaboratively with other team members.

Second Day 2️⃣

On 18th some tech talks were conducted by JP Morgan Chase leaders and a team mentor huddle at evening.

The team mentor huddle was pretty fun, every team had assigned two mentors .

The mentors are really friendly and were their to help the team in making decisions about product .

While the huddle came to an end,a gist of all the problem statements were released by the organizers ,this was around 8 PM.

Now we all went through them and decided our priority for the problem statements on 18th night.

We were all pumped up for the very next day.

Get a good night sleep 😴 .

Third day 3️⃣

The hack begins at 7:00 AM.

All the team members and mentors get into a zoom meeting. All the problem statements with requirements and presentations are done by the non-profits.

After this till 9 AM ,we were supposed to send the priority list of the problem statements. Here submitting the priority list at earliest is very important πŸ‘.

We did submit our priority list within 2 mins but still got the problem which was our 3rd priority, so be quick. Once we had our problem statement discussed for 2-3 hours on the requirements, solution and some system design. This helped to get more clarity of the problem.

We had already divided ourselves in small teams of 2 to implement different parts of the solution.

As we all were discussing and implementing in the same zoom meeting, mentors were able to assess us accordingly. Whatever we discussed, we took a heads up from our mentor.😎

My team was not much familiar with Git, so I took small sessions in between to explain our branching structure and Git basics. Around 5-6 PM , we were called to separate rooms with each mentor, one at a time. We were tensed if it was an interview or something.😰


Both the mentors discussed around our solution ,family background had a general talk about what I wanted to do next. They also asked if something could have been improved by the organizers. As I said the mentors were really friendly and everything went smooth.


Around 8 PM we were done with half of what we had planned.

Fourth Day 4️⃣

After working on new features all the night , we had our final product ready around 7 AM. We were required to make a video of our solution, so we started that at. Now making video is not that hard but why wait for the end.

Pro-Tip : Don't sleep at night, all the work will get done at night and you might have chance to pull off a exceptional product.

Everybody was half dead and exhausted by now.


Around the 11 AM we submitted our solutions and the hack was ended. At 12:30 PM we had presentation rounds in which we explained our solution followed by Q&A on the same.

Half an hour later top 3 shortlists were announced for the last round. We didn't make it to the top 3.

Final thoughts πŸ€”


Though we did not make it to the top 3 😿, but we were glad to be a part of the event.🀩 The best part is that you get to meet different people from all around India, you get to talk to industry professionals and you get to learn different things from each other, you discover different thought process of the people and with all this you get to take back a wonderful and a memorable experience with you.

At the end I would say the that Code For Good is not only a hackathon or a event its a one time experience in itself. I really enjoyed the hack and also made some new friends too.

After a month JP Morgan Chase dropped the mail of the selected candidates for 2022 Software Engineer Full-Time Analyst Program.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading it! Feel free to reach out to me. πŸ˜„πŸ˜